Monday, May 4, 2009

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me a Bailout

This is part of a paper that i worte in eng111. let me know what you think!
The United States economy is in the toilet. Any cognitive citizen will confess this to be the case. The United States Federal Government wants to bail the economy out. This will not work. The founding fathers of the United States, human nature, and history all know that a government bailout will not fix the United States’ economic problems.
Bailing out Wall Street is not what the founding fathers intended the government to do. Bailouts sound good in theory: “Uncle Sam saves jobs!” but by the government giving money to companies, they don’t just give them money; they also take control of that company. Because of this, the companies become part of the control of the United States Government. President Obama showed his control after bailing out General Motors, when he requested Rick Wagoner, GM’s CEO, to step down. The United State’s founding fathers fought the British, because the British wanted to be in control of how the new colonies ran, but didn’t want to help them out. The United States was founded on the idea that every man, woman, and child has the right to choose how they live their life. In the Declaration of Independence the founders were listing their many reasons for leaving the British control. They wrote this, “He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries” ( The King decided what the judges would be paid and even who would be a judge. If this type of control was a travesty to have over a judge, then it also should be a travesty to have this type of control over a privately owned company. Having control over privately owned companies, for whatever reason, was not the intent of the founding fathers of the United States for the government, and should not be allowed today.

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